CARE Corner: Employee Spotlight, Angela Cofer

CARE Corner: Employee Spotlight, Angela Cofer

  • October 5, 2022

Through our CARE Corner spotlight, we’re proud to shine a light on our exceptional team and the work they do.

Congratulations, Angela, on your 15-year milestone! We’re incredibly grateful for your fifteen years of service and dedication to Epic Care and our patients. We appreciate your unceasing support and unyielding enthusiasm. 

Angela is our Clinical Operations Manager from our Pleasant Hill Care Center. Read on to learn more about her:

Q: What does your job entail? 

A: I’m in operations and help support our Epic Care Clinics to operate, function, and flourish.

Q: What is the main reason you have remained working at Epic Care for the last 15 years? 

A: Gosh, I didn’t realize how fast time flies. I truly value the relationships around me. Without the relationships with our patients, physicians, or teams through the years, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I have grown up here and consider Epic Care my second home.

Q: What motivates you most to come to work? 

A: Waking up each day knowing that I have the privilege to make a difference and help people.

Q: How do you unwind after a long day at work? 

A: Eat ice cream and spend time with my babies.

Q: If you could give a Ted talk on one thing, what would it be? 

A: Persevering through adversity.

Thank you, Angela.

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