Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Update as of December 2, 2021
Since the pandemic began, Epic Care has stayed up to date with new developments through the California Department of Health and constantly monitoring national and state websites. The news came this week that a new COVID-19 variant called Omicron has arrived in the Bay Area. While early evidence suggests this variant is highly transmissible, much remains unknown.
As a community healthcare organization, we maintain high safety standards in all our clinics. We continue to require masks, screen patients and caregivers arriving in clinic, social distance when possible, sanitize surfaces, and practice good hand hygiene for the safety of our patients and each other.
We encourage you and your family to get vaccinated. However, please continue to follow CDC guidance whether you are already vaccinated or haven’t taken the vaccine.
While we wish for the pandemic to end, this week brought another reminder that COVID-19 remains with us. That’s why Epic Care remains vigilant. We care about our patients and families. We care about our community, and thanks to our shared vigilance, we remain your partner in comprehensive healthcare and are here when you need us
Update as of June 11, 2021
Dear Epic Care Patients,
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have shared and consistently demonstrated our commitment to safety. Despite enormous progress over the past year, the risk of COVID-19 remains, especially for our immunocompromised patients. To minimize exposure and the spread of COVID-19 the best defense against the COVID-19 virus remains vaccination. If you have questions, please review this FAQ provided by our team of Epic Care Physicians or visit the CDC website for more. We thank you for your continued trust and support.
We are here when you need us!
Update as of January 19, 2021
Dear Epic Care Community,
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on the lives of many, including our patients, their families, friends, and caregivers.
You may be wondering when you will be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine as vaccine production and availability increases. Here’s two accurate and reliable sources you can count on for more information:
- Your Local County Website – Visit the county’s website for which you live and work for vaccine planning information as well as other updates to county health orders.
- Alameda County –
- Contra Costa County –
- The Epic Care Website– Regular updates on vaccine planning, and a question and information specific to our cancer patients (or those with a history of cancer), is made available on this dedicated COVID-19 resources page. Be sure to check back often for updates and Click here to read the FAQ provided to our patients, too.
We strongly encourage you to consult your Epic Care physician on the risk and benefits of the COVID vaccine. In the meantime, please continue to follow state and county health orders, wear a mask, social distance, and practice proper hand hygiene.
Thank you for your continued support! We greatly appreciate our Epic Care community and are heartened by the great interest in receiving the vaccine, as it is the most effective way to end the pandemic.
Update as of December 7, 2020
As our stay-at-home order takes effect, we want to assure you that Epic Care continues to be available for new and existing patients
All of our practice locations continue to go above and beyond the CDC recommendations to assure relative safety to our patients during this pandemic including options for Telehealth visits should you prefer to stay home. If you would like to review the protocols in-place prior to your next appointment, please call any of our sites directly for details or visit the contact us page on our website.
Thank you for your continued trust and support. We are here when you need us!
Update as of July 10, 2020
Over the past several months we’ve seen COVID-19 impact many in ways we could not have anticipated. With every shift, our priority remains to keep our patients safe and be there for you in the moments that matter. During this time we are still accepting new patients and are committed to providing the high quality care our patients count on. To make this happen, we’re incredibly proud of our workforce rising to the challenge, and delivering exceptional, compassionate care in new ways. As an Epic Care patient, friend, or family member, here’s what you can expect at your next appointment:
- Facial Coverings – To protect you from being contaminated or to protect others from being infected, face coverings are required by all patients, caregivers, and staff, regardless of symptoms.
- Screenings – All patients, physicians, and staff will undergo infra-red temperature checks and answer a few brief questions at the door.
- Social Distancing – We have configured and enhanced our spaces to promote social distancing with added signage as a gentle reminder to all.
- Hand Sanitizer – The best way to prevent infection is to wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. For that reason, hand sanitizer is readily available for all visitors.
- Visitor Restrictions – To maintain social distance throughout our practice, we are limiting visitors to patients and one essential caregiver.
- Environmental Services – Providing regular, intensive cleaning of our public and patient areas throughout the day.
- Telehealth Visits – Epic Care Patients may now visit with their doctor or provider all while remaining in the safety of their homes. With Telehealth, Epic Care Physicians and Providers use real-time audio and video to discuss medical concerns and symptoms with their patients.
For questions or more information, please feel free to email or call your site-specific location directly. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!
Update as of March 13, 2020
The safety of our patients and staff is our first priority.
We understand there is a lot of concern in the community as news of the coronavirus continues to develop. We will continue to adjust as needs warrant and are committed to keeping our patients, physicians, and staff safe. For now, here’s more information to keep you informed:
I have an appointment but I want to stay home. What should I do?
We are now offering Telehealth appointments for new and existing patients. Please visit our Telehealth web page for details or call your doctor to make a Telehealth (audio and visual) appointment. When making an appointment, our staff will be sure to provide appropriate instructions and walk you through all steps for easy access.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Fever and respiratory symptoms, including a cough and difficulty breathing. These can also be the symptoms of other common illnesses circulating in the community.
May I be tested for COVID-19 at an Epic Care location?
Epic Care is not equipped to test for the coronavirus. For that reason, if you have an appointment at an Epic Care location, and are showing coronavirus symptoms OR have been in contact with a known coronavirus patient or health care worker. please follow these instructions:
- Wear a mask,
- Call your primary care provider, and
- Seek testing near you.
If you feel you need emergent care, please call 9-1-1 or visit your nearest Emergency Room.
If calling Epic Care for any reason, please bear with us as you may experience longer than usual phone wait times. We appreciate your patience as we work to care for our community.
How can I help protect myself and my family?
There is currently no vaccine for COVID-19. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home and do not travel when you are sick.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze then throw the tissue in the trash. Then wash your hands with soap and water.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Advice & Reporting Resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- California Department of Public Health
- Contra Costa Health Services at (925) 313-6000
- Alameda County Public Health at (510) 267-8000
- Solano County Public Health at (707) 784-8600