Our Northern California East Bay Care Centers
Making high-quality surgical and cancer care affordable and accessible to all throughout
Northern California's East Bay Area.
View all locationsWe specialize in everything from Internal Medicine to Radiation Oncology.
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Now accepting new patient appointments. Select an expert physician that is right for you, today!
Our LocationsMaking high-quality surgical and cancer care affordable and accessible to all throughout
Northern California's East Bay Area.
View all locationsWe specialize in everything from Internal Medicine to Radiation Oncology.
Select a provider that is right for you, today!
Find a DoctorOur Northern California East Bay Care Centers
Now accepting new patient appointments. Select an expert physician that is right for you, today!
Our LocationsMaking high-quality surgical and cancer care affordable and accessible to all throughout
Northern California's East Bay Area.
View all locationsWelcome To Epic Care
From performing complex surgeries to treating cancer, we have the technology and expertise to help guide you to the best possible outcome, restoring your quality of life. Our staff is composed of multi-specialty surgeons, oncologists and other expert providers who are closely connected to our community and committed to providing high-quality care, accurate diagnoses, and healing treatments
Le Scommesse Migliori di Oggi nel Calcio: Guida Completa
Il mondo delle scommesse nel calcio è sempre in evoluzione, offrendo agli appassionati numerose opportunità per mettere alla prova le proprie conoscenze e intuizioni sportive. In questa guida completa sulle scommesse migliori di oggi nel calcio, esploreremo le tendenze più recenti e i consigli essenziali per massimizzare le possibilità di successo. Che tu sia un neofita o un esperto scommettitore, questo articolo ti accompagnerà attraverso un viaggio nel mondo delle scommesse sportive, fornendoti informazioni dettagliate e strategie vincenti per ottenere il massimo dalle tue puntate.
Dalle quote più vantaggiose alle partite da non perdere, passando per le scommesse più rischiose ma potenzialmente redditizie, esploreremo insieme un panorama ricco di opportunità per gli amanti del calcio e delle scommesse. Cosa rende un’opzione di scommessa migliore di un’altra? Quali sono i fattori da considerare prima di piazzare una puntata vincente? Scopriremo insieme le risposte a queste e altre domande, guidandoti verso un approccio informato e consapevole al mondo affascinante delle scommesse nel calcio. Preparati a vivere un’esperienza coinvolgente e ad apprendere tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sulle scommesse migliori di oggi nel calcio!
Le tendenze delle scommesse nel calcio moderno
Le scommesse nel calcio sono una parte essenziale dell’esperienza sportiva per molti appassionati. Oggi, esistono numerose opzioni per scommettere sul calcio, dalle scommesse tradizionali sul vincitore della partita alle scommesse più complesse sui marcatori, sugli handicap e molto altro. Con una guida completa sulle scommesse nel calcio, è possibile scoprire le migliori strategie e approfondire le conoscenze per ottenere risultati positivi.
Una delle scommesse più popolari nel calcio è quella sul risultato finale della partita. Questo tipo di scommessa è semplice e diretto: si tratta di prevedere quale squadra vincerà, se ci sarà un pareggio o se ci saranno più o meno di un certo numero di gol. Tuttavia, esistono anche scommesse più avanzate che coinvolgono statistiche dettagliate, formazioni delle squadre e condizioni meteo, offrendo agli scommettitori un’ampia varietà di opzioni per sfruttare le proprie conoscenze.
Per gli amanti del calcio che desiderano scommettere in modo più mirato e strategico, esistono anche scommesse sulle quote degli handicap, sul punteggio esatto, sui marcatori e molto altro. Con una guida completa sulle scommesse nel calcio, è possibile apprendere le migliori pratiche per gestire il proprio bankroll, analizzare le probabilità e utilizzare strumenti utili per migliorare le proprie scommesse e massimizzare le possibilità di successo.
Strategie vincenti per scommettere sul calcio
Se sei un appassionato di calcio e desideri scommettere sulle partite di oggi, hai bisogno di una guida completa per individuare le scommesse migliori. Con una vasta gamma di opzioni disponibili, è essenziale essere informati e ben preparati prima di piazzare le tue puntate.
Per trovare le scommesse vincenti nel calcio di oggi, è fondamentale tenere d’occhio le statistiche, le formazioni delle squadre e gli ultimi risultati. Consultare siti specializzati come Betzoid può aiutarti a ottenere pronostici accurati e consigli utili per le tue scommesse. Visita https://betzoid.com/it/pronostici-calcio-oggi/ per accedere a previsioni dettagliate e analisi approfondite delle partite in programma.
Approfitta di informazioni dettagliate sulle probabilità di vittoria, i marcatori più probabili e le possibili sorprese per aumentare le tue possibilità di successo nelle scommesse sul calcio. Con una guida completa come quella offerta da Betzoid, sarai in grado di prendere decisioni informate e ben ponderate per massimizzare i tuoi profitti.
Non lasciare nulla al caso quando si tratta di scommesse sul calcio di oggi. Utilizza strumenti e risorse affidabili come quelle fornite da Betzoid per accedere a previsioni di qualità e consigli esperti che ti aiuteranno a fare scommesse intelligenti e redditizie. Visita https://betzoid.com/it/pronostici-calcio-oggi/ per iniziare a scommettere in modo più consapevole e mirato.
Le migliori scommesse da piazzare oggi
Le scommesse nel calcio sono un’opportunità emozionante per gli appassionati di sport e scommesse. Oggi, ci sono numerose opzioni disponibili per chi desidera scommettere sulle partite di calcio. Una delle scommesse più popolari è l’esito finale della partita, dove si può puntare sulla vittoria, il pareggio o la sconfitta di una squadra. Inoltre, le scommesse sul numero di gol segnati durante la partita offrono ulteriori possibilità di vincita.
Un’altra interessante opzione di scommessa nel calcio è rappresentata dalle scommesse in tempo reale, che permettono di puntare mentre la partita è in corso. Questa modalità offre un’esperienza di gioco più dinamica e coinvolgente, consentendo ai giocatori di adattare le proprie scommesse in base all’andamento della partita. Inoltre, le scommesse sui marcatori o sugli eventi specifici durante la partita aggiungono ulteriore suspense e divertimento.
Per sfruttare al meglio le scommesse nel calcio, è fondamentale conoscere le statistiche delle squadre, la forma dei giocatori e gli eventuali infortuni o squalifiche. Inoltre, è consigliabile confrontare le quote offerte dai diversi bookmaker per ottenere le migliori probabilità di vincita. Seguendo una guida completa sulle scommesse nel calcio e utilizzando strategie o suggerimenti da esperti, è possibile massimizzare le proprie possibilità di successo e godersi appieno l’emozione del gioco.
Come massimizzare i profitti con le scommesse calcistiche
Se sei un appassionato di scommesse sportive, il calcio offre numerose opportunità per scommettere e divertirti. Le scommesse sul calcio sono estremamente popolari e possono aggiungere un’ulteriore emozione alla tua esperienza di visione delle partite. Oggi, le scommesse sul calcio offrono una vasta gamma di opzioni, dalle scommesse tradizionali sul vincitore della partita alle scommesse più esotiche sul numero di gol segnati o sui marcatori.
Per ottenere il massimo dalle tue scommesse sul calcio, è importante comprendere le diverse tipologie di scommesse disponibili e sapere come utilizzare strategie efficaci per massimizzare le tue possibilità di vincita. Scegliere le scommesse migliori per le partite di calcio di oggi richiede una combinazione di conoscenza del gioco, analisi delle statistiche e intuizione. Con una guida completa sulle scommesse nel calcio, puoi migliorare le tue capacità di scommessa e goderti al meglio l’azione sul campo.
Per concludere, le scommesse nel calcio offrono un’ampia varietà di opzioni per gli appassionati di sport e scommesse. Con una guida completa come questa, hai ora le conoscenze necessarie per fare scommesse informate e divertenti. Ricorda di fare le tue ricerche, seguire da vicino le partite e sfruttare le migliori quote disponibili. Che tu sia un principiante o un esperto, il mondo delle scommesse nel calcio è ricco di opportunità che ti aspettano. Buona fortuna e buone scommesse!
Our Services
Having Epic Care on your side makes a recent diagnosis easier to manage. Check out our wide array of services for the best possible outcomes and support along the way

Internal Medicine is made up of several sub-specialties including infectious disease and endocrinology. Epic Care will be sure to match you with a doctor that is appropriate for your needs and delivers the care you deserve.
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At Epic Care, our dedicated fellowship trained breast surgeons offer exclusive care and treatment in the field of breast diseases and surgery. Providing consultative and managing care services for women and men with breast cancer and other breast diseases.
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Our multi-specialty group of highly-skilled surgeons, offer expertise in all fields of surgery including bariatric, breast, colorectal, hepatobiliary, endocrine, oncology, and dermatological surgery.
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Cancer treatment services are typically performed in one of our comfortable and convenient state-of-the-art, in-office infusion suites. Our board-certified oncologists are experts in the field of cancer diagnosis, staging, and managing the complexities of cancer treatment.
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Radiation is the art of using therapeutic x-ray and high-energy particles to eradicate tumors and control certain growths. Our radiation treatment is on the cutting edge; utilizing innovations in science and technology to treat your unique cancer.
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Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET/CT) scans are used to determine the extent of your cancer and to evaluate how responsive your body has been to treatment.
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We don't just treat cancer; we assess and manage cancer risk. Epic Care's Genetic Counseling and Testing Program provides in-depth education and personalized cancer risk assessments for those with a personal or family history.
Learn MoreWhat Our Patients Are Saying

I have been seeing Dr. Korah for the past four years. She handled the radiation portion of my breast cancer treatment. I am so grateful for her kind, caring, gentle approach. She was extremely knowledge and walked me through the whole process. I really look forward to my follow-up visits just to catch up! The team at Epic Care literally saved my life. I’m forever grateful.

Wonderful, caring staff, and doctors. I was lucky to be referred to them by my Stanford care team. Thanks for everything you all do, and for doing it with a smile on your face.

After a terminal diagnosis, I made a conscious decision not to waste time feeling sorry for myself – it’s a waste. At 74 years old, I’ve lived a wonderful life, one of integrity with zero guilt, a strong and loving marriage filled with love and laughter, a successful business and career, and I did it all surrounded by extraordinary friends who love and support me. I’ve lived a life fulfilled. I choose to keep that as my focus each day. in about a month, I’ll have another MRI at Epic Care in Pleasant Hill, and regardless of that prognosis or timeline, I know I’ve been in the best of hands and I’ll continue on as I have.

If you have to join the fight against cancer, be glad you can do it with Epic Care by your side. I can confidently say these doctors saved my life.

Going through this is not easy, add the threat of COVID-19, and I have been especially limited to what I can do. The entire Epic Care team is made up of wonderful people that I looked forward to spending time with. Albeit brief interactions, each visit was such a pleasure. I felt safe, welcomed, and knew they were taking every extra step to keep me and the other patients safe.

Our brother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and only a month later he started chemotherapy. As you would imagine, it was a scary journey for him, but with the amazing, caring, and professional crew at Epic Care he realized he was not alone. He received chemo 3 times a month, and by his second treatment, he actually enjoyed going to chemo! The Epic Care team is a Godsend. Special shout out to Diana and the crew. I will never forget how much care you all took care of our brother. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Dr Le-Tran felt like a partner in my care, who kept me informed, shared her thinking, and supported me to make the decisions that were right for me. I currently have no evidence of disease, and I drive to Dublin from Oakland to keep seeing Dr Le-Tran for follow up care, because she's the best

My husband was seen by Dr. Lo at the Pleasant Hill office and we express our gratitude to him for being a great expert in his area, very professional, attentive, and kind. His office is well organized and helpful.

My mother was diagnosed with cancer last year and upon recommendation from a family member we decided to take her to Epic Care for treatment. Although given the unfortunate circumstance I'm glad we made the decision for her to seek care here.
First and foremost the staff and attending physicians are outstanding. The nurses and receptionists alway displayed warmth, empathy, attentiveness, and care.
I want to especially call out and thank my mother's oncologist - Dr. Ernest Lo. Dr. Lo was able to provide excellent communication from the onset of the disease, plan on the course of action, and status every step of the way. When the cancer advanced, Dr. Lo was able to to articulate what was happening and the different actions we can take. I feel like Dr. Lo made every possible cancer fighting decision possible while balancing the qualify of life for my mother. We really appreciated the level of transparency as we were informed where everything stood. We were educated and provided guidance when it was time to make the decision on end of life preparations. Throughout all of our interactions Dr. Lo was able to show care and compassion.
The facility where Epic Care is located is very clean and kept up-to-date. With the pandemic going on extra precautions are taken to keep the area sanitized at all times and appropriate spacing provided. Parking is always easy to access.
I don't wish for anyone for to have a need for this service, but if necessary, I would highly recommend Epic Care.

Dr. Titov is great- super knowledgeable, considerate, and terrific bedside manners. Thank you Doctor!

I have been going to this Epic Care facility for the past two years to receive my regular injection treatments and I couldn't be any happier with the care I've been receiving. The staff adheres to strict safety protocols and all of the people who work here are extremely professional, friendly & seem to genuinely care about me. The nursing staff here is top notch and so is Dr. Reddy. I would not hesitate to recommend this place to anyone who requires treatments.

Excellent facilities. Great doctors. I have been using them for 5 years.

My mother had Dr. Yan as her oncologist, and he provided excellent and compassionate care for her, as he helped her with her best course of treatments. He always answered all of our questions, and he was also prompt through the messaging portal. The wait time sometimes might be a little long, but that's always because Dr. Yan is spending time helping other patient. When he does make time for us, it never feels rushed, and we always have a plan forward. The chemotherapy nurses are so kind and friendly as well. She's going through a radiation treatment course now, and we feel well taken care of on that side as well. Front desk was always pleasant to work with every time we came to check in for appointments. All in all, we're grateful for Dr. Yan and the team at Epic Care.

I had an injection today at Epic Care Castro Valley office and the manager was very supportive to her staff. I have been a patient for many years and this is a great practice with wonderful staff.

I have been seeing Dr. Korah for the past four years. She handled the radiation portion of my breast cancer treatment. I am so grateful for her kind, caring, gentle approach. She was extremely knowledge and walked me through the whole process. I really look forward to my follow-up visits just to catch up! The team at Epic Care literally saved my life. I’m forever grateful.

Wonderful, caring staff, and doctors. I was lucky to be referred to them by my Stanford care team. Thanks for everything you all do, and for doing it with a smile on your face.

After a terminal diagnosis, I made a conscious decision not to waste time feeling sorry for myself – it’s a waste. At 74 years old, I’ve lived a wonderful life, one of integrity with zero guilt, a strong and loving marriage filled with love and laughter, a successful business and career, and I did it all surrounded by extraordinary friends who love and support me. I’ve lived a life fulfilled. I choose to keep that as my focus each day. in about a month, I’ll have another MRI at Epic Care in Pleasant Hill, and regardless of that prognosis or timeline, I know I’ve been in the best of hands and I’ll continue on as I have.

If you have to join the fight against cancer, be glad you can do it with Epic Care by your side. I can confidently say these doctors saved my life.

Going through this is not easy, add the threat of COVID-19, and I have been especially limited to what I can do. The entire Epic Care team is made up of wonderful people that I looked forward to spending time with. Albeit brief interactions, each visit was such a pleasure. I felt safe, welcomed, and knew they were taking every extra step to keep me and the other patients safe.

Our brother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and only a month later he started chemotherapy. As you would imagine, it was a scary journey for him, but with the amazing, caring, and professional crew at Epic Care he realized he was not alone. He received chemo 3 times a month, and by his second treatment, he actually enjoyed going to chemo! The Epic Care team is a Godsend. Special shout out to Diana and the crew. I will never forget how much care you all took care of our brother. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Dr Le-Tran felt like a partner in my care, who kept me informed, shared her thinking, and supported me to make the decisions that were right for me. I currently have no evidence of disease, and I drive to Dublin from Oakland to keep seeing Dr Le-Tran for follow up care, because she's the best

My husband was seen by Dr. Lo at the Pleasant Hill office and we express our gratitude to him for being a great expert in his area, very professional, attentive, and kind. His office is well organized and helpful.

My mother was diagnosed with cancer last year and upon recommendation from a family member we decided to take her to Epic Care for treatment. Although given the unfortunate circumstance I'm glad we made the decision for her to seek care here.
First and foremost the staff and attending physicians are outstanding. The nurses and receptionists alway displayed warmth, empathy, attentiveness, and care.
I want to especially call out and thank my mother's oncologist - Dr. Ernest Lo. Dr. Lo was able to provide excellent communication from the onset of the disease, plan on the course of action, and status every step of the way. When the cancer advanced, Dr. Lo was able to to articulate what was happening and the different actions we can take. I feel like Dr. Lo made every possible cancer fighting decision possible while balancing the qualify of life for my mother. We really appreciated the level of transparency as we were informed where everything stood. We were educated and provided guidance when it was time to make the decision on end of life preparations. Throughout all of our interactions Dr. Lo was able to show care and compassion.
The facility where Epic Care is located is very clean and kept up-to-date. With the pandemic going on extra precautions are taken to keep the area sanitized at all times and appropriate spacing provided. Parking is always easy to access.
I don't wish for anyone for to have a need for this service, but if necessary, I would highly recommend Epic Care.

Dr. Titov is great- super knowledgeable, considerate, and terrific bedside manners. Thank you Doctor!

I have been going to this Epic Care facility for the past two years to receive my regular injection treatments and I couldn't be any happier with the care I've been receiving. The staff adheres to strict safety protocols and all of the people who work here are extremely professional, friendly & seem to genuinely care about me. The nursing staff here is top notch and so is Dr. Reddy. I would not hesitate to recommend this place to anyone who requires treatments.

Excellent facilities. Great doctors. I have been using them for 5 years.

My mother had Dr. Yan as her oncologist, and he provided excellent and compassionate care for her, as he helped her with her best course of treatments. He always answered all of our questions, and he was also prompt through the messaging portal. The wait time sometimes might be a little long, but that's always because Dr. Yan is spending time helping other patient. When he does make time for us, it never feels rushed, and we always have a plan forward. The chemotherapy nurses are so kind and friendly as well. She's going through a radiation treatment course now, and we feel well taken care of on that side as well. Front desk was always pleasant to work with every time we came to check in for appointments. All in all, we're grateful for Dr. Yan and the team at Epic Care.

I had an injection today at Epic Care Castro Valley office and the manager was very supportive to her staff. I have been a patient for many years and this is a great practice with wonderful staff.
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Epic Care Offers Low-Dose Radiation Therapy as an Effective Treatment for Osteoarthritis and Other Benign Conditions
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