Epic Care’s Culture of CARE Excellence Award Winner! – Charlotte Spicer

Epic Care’s Culture of CARE Excellence Award Winner! – Charlotte Spicer

  • August 12, 2022

Congratulations Charlotte, on winning our Culture of CARE Excellence Award! You’re a shining example of the values we stand for. 

Charlotte Spicer is a Medical Assistant II from our Emeryville Care Center. Charlotte is recognized as an exceptional MA who has positively impacted the practice. She has shown dedication to her position and shares her knowledge with her colleagues, and is willing to train them so they can be successful too. And above all, we appreciate her positive attitude and helpful approach to her team and patients. Read on to learn more about Charlotte:

Q: How long have you been with Epic Care?

A: Two beautiful years.

Q: What does our Culture of CARE mean to you?

A: To me, it’s effortless, passionate, heart-filled work. When I think about what our model stands for, which is Compassion, Assurance, Responsiveness, and Excellence in service, I get excited because it allows me to challenge myself daily and create the best experience for myself and our patients. I want them to know we are in this together to achieve wellness and be better.

Q: What’s a unique part about working at Epic Care?

A: The push I get from my managers and co-workers. They encourage me to be great, allow me to be “hungry,” acknowledge my drive and utilize me within the company. When I interviewed, I assured them they could trust me with the job, and they did just that! I am tremendously thankful that they allow me to use my gifts that I am so willing to share with the company.

Q: If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

A: LOVE!!! I would pick love. I have been told my heart sometimes seems too big for my body, but hey, that just means I have a whole lot to share!

Q: What is your most used phone app?

A: Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you, Charlotte, for representing our Culture of CARE in all you do!

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