The Case For Cancer Screenings Event – Saturday, October 23
Join Epic Care Drs. Elaine Lee, Irene Lo, and Michael Min Yan in partnership with Oakland Asian Cultural Center, Asian Health Services, and the American Cancer Society for an informational event about breast health and the importance of cancer screenings. With the double impact of COVID-19 and anti-Asian violence affecting Oakland Chinatown neighborhoods, more residents are delaying critical screening appointments out of fear of leaving the safety of their homes and visiting healthcare providers. Experts from Epic Care, Asian Health Services, and the American Cancer Society will discuss the importance of regular cancer screenings and answer any questions you may have about cancer screening. This event will be held in-person at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center but may switch to a virtual format if necessary. It will be presented in English with Cantonese translation. To RSVP please visit www.oacc.cc
Click here to view The Case for Cancer Screenings event flyer and click here to view in Chinese.